eLearning Now Available to Apprentices and Journeypeople
Carpenters Training Institute (CTI) is proud to announce the availability of eLearning for Apprentices and Journeypeople. Monday, March 30 marked the start of our pilot program eLearning classes for regularly scheduled apprentice curriculum. Please reach out to your local training campus for availability and scheduling of eLearning opportunities. Apprentices will be notified of their scheduled eLearning weeks in advance.
We experienced 70% attendance for eLearning courses during the pilot program and are receiving positive reviews of the classes from apprentices. It is important to understand that hands-on learning is a critical component of any training at CTI. While some courses like OSHA and Math for the Trade can be conducted 100% online, other courses require shop time to effectively transfer knowledge into practical skill and the eLearning program takes this into consideration. Only the classroom portions of curriculum are instructed and evaluated for knowledge transfer.
Apprentices attending training through electronic methods will receive the classroom portion of two separate curriculum weeks and will then attend the hands on training for both classes during their next regularly scheduled week of training. For example, at the Twin Cities Campus apprentices scheduled for 1-3 Wood Frame will complete the classroom portions of 1-3 Wood Frame and 1-4 Interior Systems during their eLearning experience during their regularly scheduled week. In this scenario, the apprentices next regularly scheduled week will include work in the shop for 1-3 for half the week and 1-4 half of the week.
What is eLearning?
- Interactive training in a virtual environment utilizing electronic device (phone, tablet, computer)
- Variety of programs may be used such as zoom, webex, google classroom, and Socrative
- All of these programs are very user friendly and have how to video links
What classes are available through eLearning?
- First Aid/CPR/AED classroom learning
- General skills classes for Carpenters, Floor Coverers, Millwrights, and Piledrivers
What classes are not available through eLearning at this time?
- Scaffolding Qualification
- Rigging Certification
- Welding
- 1st Aid / CPR / AED hands on testing
- ICRA Qualification
- Firestop Qualification
- Construction Fall Protection
- MEWPs (mobile elevated work platforms)
What are the benefits of the eLearning program?
- Maintain apprentice class schedules and program progress
- Maintain program compliance with Department of Labor
- Reduce apprentice hardship of multiple classes in one quarter later in 2020
- Reduce contractor hardship of losing apprentices multiple times in one quarter in 2020
- Eliminate any possible transfer of COVID from apprentice mixing at CTI to the contractor’s jobsite
- General knowledge base of apprentice is growing instead of being placed on hold leading to better jobsite productivity
ICRA Training
- Member qualification refresher training is available through carpenters.org online LMS (learning management system)
- Members will receive an email when they are eligible for this training
- For ICRA 24 for members or ICRA Awareness Training opportunities please contact Christa Mardaus at Cmardaus@carpenterstraininginstitute.org or 651-341-4418 – in Greater Wisconsin please contact Mike Price at Mprice@ctiwi.org
Carpenters Training Institute is confident we will be back to in-person learning in the near future but until then, eLearning provides an opportunity for members to receive training in a safe environment. We will continue to work to expand our eLearning opportunities.
For more information or specific questions please use the following contact list by geographic area:
Anthony Fasano | Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota | 651-895-9866 | AFasano@carpenterstraininginstitute.org
John DeLany | Iowa (Eastern Iowa) | 319-533-2027 | Johndelany@5riverscarpenters.com
Wallace Kirchoff | Minnesota (Pine City and South) | 651-308-5156 | WKirchoff@carpenterstraininginsitute.org
Ben Pratt | Minnesota (North of Pine City) and North Dakota | 651-308-5854 | BPratt@carpenterstraininginstitute.org
Chris Favreau | Minnesota Floor Coverers | 612-750-2929 | Cfavreau@tctraining.org
Rob Giese | Wisconsin (except for Twin Ports and South East) | 715-209-2849 | Rgiese@ctiwi.org
Brandon Neddef | Wisconsin (South East – Pewaukee Area) | 651-888-1194 | BNeddef@carpenterstraininginstitute.org