Member Highlight: Genevieve Pace

Member Highlight: Genevieve Pace

October 1, 2024

Genevieve Pace’s (Local 106 – Des Moines, IA) passion for construction is as impressive as her contributions to the trade. Genevieve’s journey into carpentry is not just a career choice; it’s a testament to her relentless pursuit of fulfillment and growth.

For years, Genevieve worked in the restaurant industry where she served, cooked, and bartended. After a while, she felt tired of the monotonous routine. Her desire for something more led her to explore opportunities with the Carpenters Union.

“From a young age, I was always fascinated by how things are put together. I found myself constantly thinking about the structures around me. I knew I wanted to be part of that process, but I didn’t pursue it until I realized I needed a change. I wanted to do something with my hands that I was actually passionate about,” Genevieve reflects.

Joining the Carpenters Union opened a world of possibilities for Genevieve. Unlike her previous jobs, the union offered not only a community but also endless avenues for growth and learning. “In this union, there’s always room to excel. If you see something you want to change, you can be part of that change,” she explains. This proactive mindset propelled her to become actively involved, taking on the role of vice president for Local 106, a rarity for an apprentice. As an active executive board member, a mother of two, and a full-time carpenter, Genevieve is a force to be reckoned with. 

One of Genevieve's favorite aspects of her work is the diversity of her colleagues. “Working with so many different people who are really cool and actually want to teach you something has been awesome in this industry. Everyone has their own approach and I get paid to learn from them,” she says. This collaborative spirit not only enhances her skills but also builds a sense of camaraderie among the people she works with on the job and in her local union role. 

Recently, Genevieve tackled a challenging project involving an angular ceiling. “It was an obstacle that took longer than a regular ceiling job, but I loved the complexity of it and learning how to do it. Having someone by my side who genuinely wanted to teach me made all the difference,” she shares, emphasizing the importance of mentorship in her career.

Genevieve's passion for her work extends beyond the job site. She attended the 2023 Tradeswomen Build Nation Conference in Washington D.C. where over 4,000 women from various trades attended. “It was empowering to be in a room full of women breaking barriers in construction. The energy was amazing and thirty years ago, there might have only been a handful of women. Now, we’re part of a powerful movement,” she says. The connections she made at the event continues to impact her life today and she still talks to several people she met at the conference. 


Genevieve P 1

Genevieve outside of the Carpenters Union  Local 106 Building

Looking ahead, Genevieve is committed to continuous learning and growth. “I want to keep pushing myself and I am hoping to get to train my own apprentices one day,” she states. Her advice for newcomers is to “Always be open-minded, be on time, and be ready to work. You’ll face challenges, but don’t get discouraged. The benefits of being a union carpenter are unparalleled. This is a good career.”

Genevieve Pace exemplifies the spirit of the Carpenters Union. She displays a commitment to craftsmanship, community, and continuous improvement. As she builds her career, she not only creates structures but gives back to the organization where she belongs, proving her passion and dedication to the union.