Start your career today and become a union carpenter
Join the best-trained and most productive workforce in the construction industry, and gain valuable education and additional job experience. You will also earn higher pay, regular raises, better fringe benefits and a collective bargaining agreement that spells out the terms and conditions of your job.
Already a carpenter? Advance your skills with year-round upgrade classes and industry certifications for journey-level workers at all stages in their careers.
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Only members in good standing may view members-only pages, including benefit details, FAQs, contracts and more. If you are in ARREARS, you will not be able to login.

If you have any questions please contact us at 1-855-987-2020
What to Do When I am Out of Work
Que Hacer Cuando Estoy Sin Trabajo
Work We Do
Locals, Training and Council Buildings
The North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters represents nearly 27,000 union members and their families from 46 locals in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
The Carpenters Training Institute offers 16 Training Centers and Campuses throughout the North Central States region to apprentices and journeypeople.

Infection Control Risk Assessment
ICRA Training
ICRA training strengthens our knowledge of hospital infection risk and prepares us with the skills to protect the patient and the worker.

International Standards & Training Alliance for Floor Coverers
INSTALL is the floor covering industry’s alliance of mills, manufacturers, industry consultants, contractors and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters (UBC) who develop the best standards and training in North America. This ensures INSTALL mechanics receive the newest installation methods and technology from more than 100 mills and manufacturers.

In Occupied Facilities
Controlling Contaminants
Controlling contaminants at your facility during construction ensures that you, your staff and your product is protected from dust and debris that could lead to a complete shutdown of operation. Using training and skilled construction professionals minimizes down time, and ensures safety and reliability when protecting your people, products and property.
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